Building Project Management Competence

Building Project Management Competence

Why did I choose this resource?

I chose this resource with Kevin’s help to learn and understand the importance of competency and how it affects a corporation and its success.

What did you learn from it?

I learned that a great organized team that identifies and manages competencies will yield successful project management. I also learned that project managers need to be well versed not only in the specific skills necessary for the job, but also in human relations, business, and background information.

Key Knowledge

  • To hire the employees you require, always screen for competence
  • Systematic project management allows companies to assign personnel and resources where necessary, and allows for flexibility in scheduling, direction, budgeting, and monitoring.
  • Avoid these behaviors to keep  your employees and the business profitable
    • Killing the messenger
    • Fixing new problems with old solutions
    • Caring only about the profit margin
    • Managing by the latest trends, inconsistent management
    • Company is lead by deceptive, corrupt individuals
  • Qualities of a good project manager:
    • Optimistic attitude
    • Concentrates on the outcomes
    • Pays attention to detail
    • Committed
    • Works within company’s objectives
    • Completes goals
    • Good political skills
    • Comprehends the main business process
    • Aware of what the team and the customers require
    • Handles all issues
    • Negotiates skillfully
    • Possesses specific abilities directly related to the project
  • The Project Management Institute (PMI) offers a test for project managers that covers basic understandings they should have. It tests for knowledge in: time use, cost, human resources, scope of the project, risk, quality control, supply lines, communications and project integration.
  • Great projects teams are kept on track by performing regular project evaluations
  • When measuring team competence look for the following:
    • Attainable goals and their ability to complete them
    • Visibly recorded work requirements and principles
    • Appropriate skills, training, and education
    • Satisfactory tools and equipment
    • Structured team effort
    • Stellar leadership skills
    • Regularly planned communication
    • Accepts and appreciates diversity
    • Good customer service skills
  • For great teams and their leaders to succeed, the company needs to provide the following:
    • Procedures for completing tasks
    • Information and sources related to the project
    • Adequate resources (materials, budget, personnel)
    • Training and education
    • Company culture that is open and willing to change
    • Long term goals for the company and a vision of the future
    • Full support from the executive suite
  • Characteristics of a competent organization:
    • Employees are willing and eager to learn
    • Employees care about each other and their achievements
    • Everyone is aware of news in the industry
    • Team member work together and understand their value depends on personal abilities, accomplishments, and competencies.
    • Executives provide all means of support to their team
  • A competent corporation knows how to move forward, not waste time, and they give their clients a reason to trust them and return to them.

How are you using what you learned?

I am using what I learned to review our current processes for project management and see if I can improve them.

Key Changes / Key Actions

  • Perform team evaluations
  • Review and update project management processes


  • Name : Building Project Management Competence
  • Author : J. Davidson Frame Jossey-Bass
  • Link to Book