Managing Project Delivery : Maintaining Control and Achieving Success

Managing Project Delivery

Why did I choose this resource?

I chose this resource to understand what is involved in delivering a project and how best to do it.

What did you learn from it?

I learned the importance of project delivery and how to create a control plan that will give me a clear idea of each component of the project.  I also learned some of the largest obstacles of delivering a project and how to overcome them by using certain planning tools.

Key Knowledge

  • Projects, Programs,  and Portfolios
    • Projects are a set of actions formulated to complete a certain goal; all have a time frame and resources assigned.
    • Programs are made up of multiple projects that are connected to complete a certain goal
    • Portfolios are multiple projects or programs that are using the same group of resources
    • All are:
      • “Activity-based” – progress forward as tasks are completed
      • “Resource-based” – limited to a certain number of people, money, and tools
      • “Benefits-based” – intended to complete certain outcomes or changes
  • Four stages of project deliver:
    1. Business case development
    2. Project delivery planning
    3. Project delivery
    4. Benefits delivery – A project is successful when the promised benefits come to fruition
  • Create an Overall Control Plan by using the 3 following planning tools. This will create a precise continuing view of the entire project.
    1. Project Business Plan
      • Project’s sponsors, benefits, and business change
      • Relates the project to the company’s purpose, creates a strong relationship
      • Outlines how the project manager and project sponsor will work together
    2. Project Setup Plan
      • Type, scope, funding, and project team
      • Monitor and support the project team, motivate with a clear purpose
      • Only undertake necessary projects, complete all promises, stay in or under budget
        • Money is on everyone minds!
      • Create a plan everyone involved can understand and follow
        • Lack of planning can lead to a failed project
    3. Project Control Plan
      • Risks, review process, and contracts (internal and external)
      • Maps out how the project will be controlled and delivered
      • Four main project concerns: “risk management, contract and supplier management, project controls, and project review”
  • How to avoid a failed project
    1. Create a firm delivery plan: “failure to plan is planning to fail”
    2. Stay on the route planned
    3. Monitor and maintain project controls
    4. Create a project that can be executed, not just look good on paper
    5. Strong sponsorship/backing from upper management
  • Failures are only truly negative if you do not learn something from them

How are you using what you learned?

I am using what I learned to create a control plan for all projects, large and small, that I am undertaking. I am also using the idea of planning to monitor and complete larger tasks that need to be done.

Key Changes / Key Actions

  • Create a control plan for all projects no matter the size
  • Monitor projects more closely
  • Examine failures more in depth to gain knowledge and improve on the process/execution


  • Name : Managing Project Delivery
  • Author : Trish Melton and Peter Iles-Smith
  • getAbstract.comLink to Book

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