Why did I choose this resource?
I chose this resource to learn how to improve our client retention rating.
What did you learn from it?
I learned the importance of a loyal customer and how to turn an annual customer into a lifetime one.
Key Knowledge
- The customer is more important than your boss.
- What do customers want?
- Value
- Good communication
- Reliability
- Assurance
- Empathy
- Help from employees with good attitudes
- How do you build customer loyalty?
- Development founded on:
- understanding the customer
- creating memorable impressions
- living up to your commitments
- positive surprises never hurt; “wow” moments
- Development founded on:
- Smaller entrepreneurial companies can thrive by offering exceptional services, which larger companies usually do not offer.
- Being a resource to a customer can result in a sale.
- What causes poor service?
- Bad training
- Unhappy employees
- Management is not in touch with customers
- Angry Customer Statistics
- 91% who walk away angry will never come back
- 96% of them will never tell you why
- 80% will return if their problem is corrected
- 91% who walk away angry will never come back
- When dealing with a customer’s problem,
- agree with them
- be empathetic
- take responsibility for the problem
- stay engaged
- solve the problem
- How to Become a Customer Service Success
- Recognize your customer pays your bills, acknowledge their significance
- Sustain a positive attitude, smiles are contagious
- Provide answers to customers concerns quickly
- Retain customers; their lifetime value is 20 times that of their annual sales.
- Concentrate on customer loyalty; it is more laborious and expensive to gain a new client than to keep one.
- The objective is to have a loyal customer, not just a satisfied one.
- Find out what your customers think about you.
- Your customer is a walking advertisement; 50 times more influential than advertising.
- Be a friend and a resource to your customers.
- Avoid using the word “policy” when trying to help a client
- Always provide excellent service; customer will have a positive reaction
- Present solutions, not excuses to your clients
- The customer’s perception is ALWAYS right!
- Sign Language
- “Welcome” and “Thank You” signs set a positive tone
- Avoid and “No” signs
- Encourage all employees to acknowledge a client when they are present
- Training Tips
- Provide principle behind company policies
- Enforce practicing good responses to common client issues
- Share stories on how to create “wow” moments
- Remind employees when dealing with an angry customer that their anger is not personal
- Turn negatives into positives
How are you using what you learned?
I am using what I learned to create a customer loyalty plan to increase our customer retainer rate.
Key Changes / Key Actions
- Create a document with common customer concerns and answers to those concerns.
- Ask our 10 best customers why they like dealing with us and create a customer loyalty plan.
- When performing a client satisfaction survey, ask the client what they say about us and why. If negative, address immediately.
- Name : Customer Satisfaction is Worthless, Customer Loyalty is Priceless
- Author : Jeffrey Gitomer
- getAbstract.com: Link to Book