Are you in a client service business? Do you make products for others? Do you want to start an initiative bigger than yourself but don’t know where to start? You can check out the video for “Mastering Service in the Service of Others” on Youtube or below.
In the world of business, as individuals and teams, we are called to serve others regardless of whether our “offering” is digital, physical, a product, or a service. Leaning on the wisdom of visionaries, prophets, and thinkers, what can you learn to develop your self or your team to be of better service to others?
Rahul Singh, CEO and Partner at the Anant corporation, has built three different internet related businesses and shares his experience as he went from being a “strategic” and “entrepreneurial” person to a “purpose driven” executive and how it has translated to monumental growth and improvements in his firm. He covers ideas from his experience and from learning from others like as Google, Lean Startup Methodology, the Toyota Way, Kaizen, Zen, GTD, and more.
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