Virtual CIO

A part-time dedicated remote Chief Information Officer team

Your technology advisor team

Get technology leadership from your own part-time VCIO.

We know it may be difficult to justify paying for a full-time technology veteran but there is an alternative – a virtual CIO.

What you get:

Strategic Viewpoint

Tech is just a tool
What matters is the business results
What matters is the overall strategy


No need to hire full-time
Especially if you only have sporadic needs
Get the best value

Long-Term Outlook

Don’t lose sight of the big picture
Understand how tech changes
Plan for those changes


Collaborate over multiple sessions
Map the next physical action
Focus on getting the right things done


Make use of our experience
Always be able to “call a friend”
Team up with growth oriented partners

Technology Knowledge

Teach us about your industry
Combine our collective knowledge
And use tech as a tool to succeed

New Opportunities

Uncover new areas of improvement
Know when to say “No”
Spend the right amount of time

Vendor Selection

Understand your needs better
Ask the right questions
Analyze and select