In this blog post, we introduce two of Anant’s competitors in different areas of Anant’s mission. As Anant is focusing its internal efforts to become a product with users rather than a company with clients, one of the competitors that emerge is Sunan Designs, a design consultancy firm that offers graphic design and digital marketing support. Sunan Designs is an example of the direction that Anant is looking to progress towards. Their user-focused model is built to be service-oriented with the various payment options they present. A second competitor company of ours is Turing Enterprises, a company that assists people in hiring software developers using Turing’s Intelligent Talent Cloud. Given Anant’s role in building and developing data platforms for companies, Turing offers a similar service in a direction that we can continue to grow in.
Sunan Designs
Sunan Designs’ work has many parallels with Anant’s and thus is a good example of one of Anant’s competitors as well as offering direction in which Anant can expand. Their service-oriented approach offers the same monthly payment options for their two services: Sunan Designs and Sunan Marketing. By offering three plans (starter, unlimited, and business pro), Sunan Designs targets their user base through flat monthly fees, no contracts, no setup fees, and the ability to cancel anytime. This standardized model, over other competitors’, allows the user to have more control over what and how much they’re getting out of the service.

Sunan Designs’ Guides mimic Anant’s Platform Playbook through their educational components as well as providing the company with credibility. Their guides offer marketing advice on growing one’s audience and how to effectively use social media to build your brand. While Anant’s mission isn’t to offer design consultancy work, our Playbook is similar to their Guides in that we offer advice on creating, maintaining, and operating a modern enterprise business platform. In addition to offering educational materials, these guides and Playbook build the brand’s credibility. In showing people that Sunan Designs and Anant know what they’re doing, the companies build greater trust with their client base. As most of Anant’s current clients come from referrals, showing clients the Playbook allows us to prove that we know what we’re doing. In addition to having guides, Sunan Designs also has case studies on their website, showing real-time statistics on how they’ve helped their clients succeed.
Turing Enterprises
In competition with Anant in the industry of building and managing data platforms are Turing Enterprises. Turing’s business model is centered around providing companies easy access to software engineers through their AI-based algorithms and website. Software engineers apply to be featured on their website, where employing companies can hire them based on the software the company needs help with as well as the qualifications and experience of the engineers. In simple terms, Turing is the Amazon for software engineers. Rather than companies overspending on recruiting and training software engineers for specific software, companies can find a software engineer for any software they need all on Turing’s website.
Founded in 2018, Turing currently has between 250 and 500 employees and has been a leader in remote software development. Similar to Anant, Turing spreads its name through its blog, where the company posts multiple times a week. In addition to its blog, Turing offers an informational podcast. However, due to Turing’s strict requirements for hiring its software engineers across the globe, Turing lacks any software training, internally or externally. Anant excels far more in this area in our provision of Data Engineering Lunches and Cassandra Lunches on Mondays and Wednesdays, respectively.
Cassandra.Link is a knowledge base that we created for all things Apache Cassandra. Our goal with Cassandra.Link was to not only fill the gap of Planet Cassandra but to bring the Cassandra community together. Feel free to reach out if you wish to collaborate with us on this project in any capacity.
We are a technology company that specializes in building business platforms. If you have any questions about the tools discussed in this post or about any of our services, feel free to send us an email!