Scaling Cloud Web & Data Technologies

Long gone are the days where software had to be self-hosted, needed hundreds if not thousands of servers to run at a proper speed, and your enterprise needed to hire an entire IT department with specialized staff with the ability to configure, maintain and run updates on the various pieces of technology powering your business. Now, more than ever before, can modern enterprises benefit from distributing the various parts of their tech infrastructure without having to break their budget.

With Docker it’s much easier to create applications that are more environment agnostic than ever before with the use of “containers”. If you’re looking for a database that is fault-tolerant, can scale rapidly, and has the ability to be queried very fast, a distributed NoSQL database such as Cassandra is a good option.


We recently conducted a presentation covering this topic to one of our clients and have attached the slides below. There may be a chance we conduct a webinar covering this topic in more depth based on interest. If you’d like to hear more about this topic shoot me an email at!


Alternatively, have us come and give this presentation at your company and see how to build your roadmap to cloud software, you can sign up for a free no-hassle 30-minute introductory roadmap conversation with one of our experts here!


Please see the slides below: