
TweetDeck: How to Use It as an Information Hub

Twitter seems like the type of thing that turns people off to it pretty quickly. It’s difficult to understand, it takes effort to use, and it’s hard to get new people to follow you. I am here to discuss an application for Twitter, called the TweetDeck that makes Twitter a breeze to understand, and to use. In fact, it optimizes Twitter’s ability to help you if you are trying to promote something or trying to use it for information. I can honestly say, the TweetDeck definitely made me see how you can, “join the conversation,” for the first time!
First things first, google the TweetDeck, and download it for MAC or PC. Once it is downloaded, register it to your twitter account, and if you have one, Facebook and Linkedin. It also allows you to add your Google Buzz, FourSquare and Myspace accounts. Once you have done all this, then you’re ready to learn how the TweetDeck can help you in your everyday life, whether you are a blogger or are trying to use it for business.

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