Systems – The Best Online Tools to Run a Small Business on the Internet (Part 3)

Over the years, many of our clients at Anant Corporation have asked us about our recommendations for different tools to help them grow their business. In this third installment, I will discuss some of the best online tools that small businesses can use for research and development purposes.
Stock image of man kneeling and holding magnifying glass

Research & Development

  1. GitHub (Source Control)
      GitHub is a code host. Developers can share their code with millions of people and utilize others’ pieces of code. This collaborative tool is a must-have for programmers. (
  2. Google Code
      Google Code provides software development tools, APIs, and other technical resources. Programmers can create apps that read and write data from Google services. (
  3. CodePlex
      This is Microsoft’s open source project hosting site. You can share your code with others, view others’ code, and download open source software. (
  4. BeanStalkApp (Source Control)
      A collaborative code-sharing platform similar to Google Code and CodePlex. You can track who has written and edited each line of code for reference. (
  5. Evernote
      Evernote is a cloud service which stores notes. You can take screenshots and send them to your “notebook” for later reference. (
  6. MixPanel (Metrics)
      This is a powerful analytics tool. You can measure customer engagement by gathering data about their actions while they’re navigating. There is a free trial available. (
  7. Balsamiq (Mockups)
      A wireframing tool that has changed the way a mockup can be created. It makes the experience of sketching on a computer feel natural, as it would on a whiteboard. (
  8. PocketApp
      This is an app “collaborative” development tool. Additionally, they provide mobile marketing and mobile consulting services. (
  9. Meetup
      This is a social networking website that enables you hold offline group meetings. You can also join groups based on common interests such as politics, careers, and hobbies. (
  10. Gephi
      Gephi is an open-source network analysis service. They also have visualization software to “map” traffic and provides useful data such as the time of day when people are most likely to visit your website. (


Rahul Singh is the CEO and a Co-Founder of Anant Corporation. For more tips, subscribe to the Anant Corporation newsletter by clicking here:
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