Leadership & Management Vision

Whatever we envision, we can accomplish as long as we stay true to a purpose that is greater than ourselves, continuously improve and build ourselves to rise to our opportunities,  do the right things, and do the things right.

After several experiences in school, and while building our firm over the last three years, I believe that our Leadership & Management Vision needs to be based on a core purpose, rock solid core values, a set of unbreakable standards, and a desire to achieve excellence in our industry. We need to strive to be the benchmark of success not to just beat it. 

Recruit and Develop the most knowledgeable and disciplined internet consulting team in the world and help provide them with the best quality of life.


The success and failure of our firm rests on leadership: how we cultivate our people to become leaders in thought and action within and outside our firm. The highest form of leadership is to empower others to lead and flourish.

Human Capital Development

Human capital development is the process in which we invest time and money into the development of individuals and teams. In our company, all teams and individuals need to be encouraged to follow a focus, prioritize actions, and continuously improve.

  1. Individual – Our team members will reach their fullest potential because we encourage self and peer learning, creation and management of knowledge bases, and individual professional development plans.
  2. Team – Our teams will build knowledge bases that helps the next new team member quickly get up to speed.
  3. Practice – Our practices will be a center of excellence for our skill areas and continuously strive to elevate all of our practice members to thought leadership in our company, the industry, and the world.
  4. Responsibility – Our responsibilities will be executed with world class care so that we are an example to our clients and other companies. In order to do so, we need to create knowledge and train our team members accordingly.


As we build individuals and teams, we need to manage our human resources, the priorities of the firm, and finally the legal entity of the Anant Corporation.

  1. Human Resources – Our human resources team should become experts at hiring the people we need, learn how to manage their needs, and resolve personnel issues in a professional manner.
  2. Priority One – Our company’s leaders need to manage the firm’s growth by focusing, prioritizing, and improving on a daily, weekly, monthly, quarterly, and yearly basis.
  3. Corporate – Our company’s legal entity needs to be managed properly in the proper care of well informed executives, a set of managing partners, a board of directors, and a board of advisors.

The Leadership & Management responsibility rests on all team members. All team members are equally responsible to improve themselves to create a better team, so that we as a company can help create a better world.

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