Building Search Engines – Comparing Lucene, SolR, Elastic, AmazonSearch, and AzureSearch

Rahul Singh, CEO at Anant Corporation, gave a presentation on Comparing SolR/Lucene/ElasticSearch vs. Cloud based Search Providers at the Northern Virginia Software Architecture Roundtable.

You can watch the video on YouTube or see the slideshow below.

Solution Street hosted the event and graciously uploaded this video for the world. Thank you Solution Street!

Anant is the sponsor of DC Enterprise Tech Meetup group, we are a group of entrepreneurs embracing new tech trends, modern enterprise and web technologies. Check out our next event here!


Event Sponsor: Northern Virginia Software Architecture Roundtable

The NOVA Software Architecture Round Table is a forum for members who have a passion for software architecture and want to learn about new and emerging technologies, development tools and platforms. Our goal is to discuss architectural problems that are difficult to find on the web and for all of us to become better developers and architects by sharing knowledge and experiences with each other. It is highly recommended members review the topic presented before the Meetup and have a general idea of the technologies that are being discussed.